For personal to small businesses looking for the most robust web hosting features on a small budget.
You Got Net provides incredible email features for your iPhone, Android and Blackberry smartphones.
Unlimited Email Accounts
Incredible Spam Filtering
Unlimited mySql Databases
Outlook Synchronization
Shared Folders/Calendars
Section 1: Agreement To Rules
By submitting an order form for any web site, e-mail account, domain hosting, database hosting or dedicated server hosting services with You Got Net, LLC, the client agrees to all rules, regulations, and statements made in this Usage Agreement along with their consequences.
Section 2: Client Responsibility
Client warrants and represents that, during the period You Got Net, LLC provides web hosting services to Client, Client will not distribute on the web site any Content that (a) infringes on the intellectual property rights of any third party or any rights of publicity or privacy; (b) violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, without limitation, the laws and regulations governing export control, unfair competition, antidiscrimination or false advertising); (c) is defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing; (d) is obscene, child pornographic or indecent; and (e) contains any viruses or computer bugs that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information. Client shall indemnify, defend and hold You Got Net, LLC harmless from any claims, actions, causes of action or proceedings arising out of or resulting from Client's breach of any of the foregoing warranties and representations, including You Got Net, LLC's costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred to defend against any such claims. You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to decline hosting for any Client whom You Got Net, LLC deems to be hosting offensive material, and reserves the right to remove Client’s website after giving 24 hours notice to Client. Client hereby agrees to never participate in any email spamming practices that would point to a website hosted by You Got Net, LLC. Should spamming occur, You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to remove Client’s website without notice. Any material uploaded by Client is virus free, if viruses are located by You Got Net, LLC in Client’s web folder, You Got Net, LLCmay charge Client an hourly rate to disinfect viruses and repair damages if applicable. Client is responsible for maintaining a current version or backup of the site and holds You Got Net, LLC harmless from any loss of data or website files and holds You Got Net, LLC harmless from any claims, actions, causes of action or proceedings arising out of or resulting from loss of websites files or data of Client's website.
Section 3: Unsolicited EMail
No unsolicited e-mailing practices shall be tolerated. This is to include any practices ascribed to the client, which may or may not involve a You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database account or dedicated server. This is to include any mass unsolicited e-mailing through the e-mail server of You Got Net, LLC or any customer's dedicated server or e-mail account. Upon reviewing any reports received by You Got Net, LLC regarding the client's unsolicited e-mailing practices, You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to terminate the client's web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account and/or dedicated server within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of web site hosting, e-mail account or dedicated server fees which the client may have paid in advance.
Section 4: Illegal Materials
No use of a client's You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server to promote, sell, trade, or give away the use of the following materials or information shall be tolerated: illegal material or information, stolen material or information, violation of trademarks, pirated material or information. Upon reviewing any reports received by You Got Net, LLC regarding the client's use of their You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server accounts in any of the above practices regarding the addressed (above) material or information, You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to terminate the client's web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.
Section 5: Explicit Content
No use of a client's You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account to promote material of a sexually explicit or illegal nature shall be tolerated. Let it be known that offensive material falling under the category of "sexually explicit or illegal nature" shall include, but not be limited to the following: any nude pictures of a human being used to exploit, advertise, or sell any product or service; any sort of child pornography, or attempt to display a child in a sexually suggestive manner; any written material describing and/or promoting any sexually explicit, harsh, or abusive acts; any written material which is excessively profane and sexually explicit. Let it be known that at any time You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to judge any material that it deems of an inappropriate adult or sexual nature intolerable for a You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account, thus causing said material to be included under this category of "sexually explicit or illegal nature". Upon reviewing any reports received by You Got Net regarding the client's use of their You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server accounts in any of the above practices regarding the addressed material of a "sexually explicit or illegal nature", You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to terminate the client's web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.
Section 6: Racial/Religious Content
No use of a client's You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account to promote unlawful discrimination against or hatred of any particular race, any particular nationality, or any particular religion shall not be tolerated. Let it be known that at any time You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to judge any material to fall into the above categories, making it unacceptable for a client's You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account. Upon reviewing any reports received by You Got Net, LLC regarding the client's use of their You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server accounts in any of the above practices of promoting unlawful discrimination or hatred of any particular race - any particular nationality - or any particular religion, You Got Net reserves the right to terminate the client's web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account within 24 hours of notification of the client without refund of web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.
Section 7: Excessive Traffic
You Got Net, LLC does not permit sites where 20% or more of the monthly traffic is from file downloads, or sites that use more than 10% of system resources, or sites which in You Got Net, LLC 's view are detrimental to the enjoyment of You Got Net, LLC services by You Got Net, LLC''s other clients, or are in the sole and final judgment of the Host, detrimental to network or business operations, or exceed the account's designated monthly allowed bandwidth usage. File download and system resource restrictions do not apply to dedicated servers; however, those servers that exceed their specified monthly traffic and bandwidth limits are subject to an extra monthly fee of $2 per each gigabyte of traffic exceeding their monthly limits and/or restrictions placed on their account by You Got Net, LLC, at the sole discretion of You Got Net, LLC .
Section 8: Illegal Account Usage
No use of a client's You Got Net, LLC web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account shall be used for illegal activities, such as, but not limited to: denial of service attacks, port scanning, flooding of services on other servers, and flooding of services on You Got Net, LLC servers. Other attacks not mentioned are also not tolerated, to be decided at the discretion of You Got Net, LLC personnel. You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to immediately deactivate the client's web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account without refund of web site hosting, e-mail account, domain hosting account, database hosting account or dedicated server account fees which the client may have paid in advance.
Section 9: Final Decision
You Got Net, LLC will be the sole and final arbiter as to website accounts, e-mail accounts, domain hosting accounts, database hosting accounts, dedicated server accounts or usages of resources that constitute violation or intent to violate our policies. Those users found in violation of these policies are subject to removal for any instance of violation. Accounts which You Got Net, LLC must suspend or cancel due to violation of these rules are not eligible to receive a refund under our 30 money back guarantee. Acceptance of these Policies constitutes an acceptance of any fines or penalties which might arise out of violation of these policies.
Section 10: Rule Compliance
Users with website accounts, e-mail accounts, domain hosting accounts, database hosting accounts, dedicated server accounts that do not comply with these simple rules, or who seek to take advantage of our unlimited traffic plan in any other way, will, at the discretion of You Got Net, LLC, have their sites canceled and/or removed from the servers and penalty fees assessed at the discretion of You Got Net, LLC.
Section 11: Right To Judgment
You Got Net, LLC reserves the right to make the judgment call on behalf our other You Got Net, LLC clients who expect us to maintain our servers at maximum efficiency. We believe this is common sense. If you have any questions about it, please contact us.
Section 12: Monthly Payments
All services provided by You Got Net, LLC; payment is due on the customer's anniversary date for the billing cycle selected. Ex: If you signed up on May 4th, then you will be billed on the 4th of every month. Monthly charges are deducted at You Got Net, LLC discretion, and may be done to 25 days before or 45 days after the billing date to allow verification of funds, but are still due promptly on the customer's billing date. If payment is not promptly received or is declined, the account will be suspended until the payment is made. Failure to make payment within 30 days after the payment was due will result disconnection of the customer's account permanently. Should a customer have 3 instances of failed payments in a 6 month period, pre-payment will be required at You Got Net, LLC' discretion to keep the account open. Hosting fees are eligible for refund within the first 30 days of account sign up. All setup fees are non-refundable.
Section 13: Prepaid Payments
When pre-paying for services for any term, the customer is in a service contract for that term of service. Pre-paid monies are refundable for the first 30 days after account activation as per our 30 day money back guarantee. All setup fees are non-refundable. Payment is due upon expiration of the original contract (or if the date does not appear on the next calendar year, the day before). If the customer would like to change their billing method to month to month, they may do so after the end of their contract.
Section 14: Web Hosting and Email Support
Hours of technical support are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (CST). To operate most efficiently and better serve your needs, we operate through a web-based ticket system for technical support at the following website address: You Got Net, LLC only provides technical POP3 email and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) settings to Client. Additional fees may apply for personalized setup via telephone, configuration and troubleshooting of your particular POP3 email programs, handheld wireless devices, and/or FTP programs on your computer platform. You Got Net, LLC does not support shareware or older versions of Client software.
Section 15: Website Backups
You Got Net, LLC performs daily backups of Client’s website and/or database between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM (Central Standard Time), but does not guarantee the success of these backups. Website content must be on You Got Net, LLC server for 24 hours to be included in the daily backup. Note: Backups do not include email and You Got Net, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of content backups. Client agrees to keep a backup copy of their website and /or database at all times on their local equipment to act as an “off site” backup. You Got Net, LLC will provide to Client upon request, FTP Access to website and/or administrator database access so Client can maintain a current “off site” backup. Website backups are security safeguards performed for your protection against hardware and software failures on the server(s). Website backups are not performed for the matter of convenience to Client. Any request made to You Got Net, LLC to obtain a prior backup version of the website specific to a particular time and/or date will be performed at the rate of $199 per restore.
Section 16: Credit Card Chargebacks
Invalid chargebacks made to any You Got Net, LLC will result in immediate account termination without notice. The account will then be turned over to a collection agency.
Section 17: Entire Agreement
The terms and conditions contained in the Agreement supersede all prior oral or written understandings between the parties and constitute the entire agreement between them concerning the subject matter of this Agreement and shall not be contradicted, explained or supplemented by any course of dealing between You Got Net, LLC or any of its affiliates and/or Agents. There are no understandings or representations, express or implied, not expressly set forth in this Agreement.